Sunday, February 10, 2008

Kunst Global März-March 2008

Liebe Gäste, Liebe Freunde der Kunst

Was wäre die Welt ohne Kultur, was wäre die Welt ohne Kunst.

"What the world would be without culture, what the world would be without art."


Khairi Razaai- Australien /Australia
Angela Harmeier – Deutschland /Germany
Rose Rasink- Singapur/Singapore

Freitag, 14. März 2008
um 19.00Uhr

Wir laden Sie und Ihre
Freunde zur Eröffnung
„Official opening speech“
der Ausstellung ein.
Die Künstler sind anwesend.

Haus Greiffenhorst
Greiffenhorst 1
47809 Krefeld-Linn

Die Ausstellung dauert vom
14. März bis zum 17. März 2008.
Öffnungszeiten: Fr.- Mo.
10.00 – 18.00 Uhr

Parking available at:
wenige Parkplätze am Haus
Straßenbahnlinie 004
Haltestelle „Am Steinacker“

Global Art exhibition on the 14th March 2008
"Official Opening Speech" Global Art on FRIDAY evening, 14th March 2008 at 7.00pm

*Meet the Artists*
Please be informed that all three artists, Angela Harmeier, Rosenah Rasink und Khairi Razaai will be present for the whole duration period of Kunst Global exhibition.
Block your calendar week, from the 14th - 17th March, 10am - 6pm come and join us in Haus Greiffenhorst!
We do hope to see you there and thank you for your time in advance.

Haus Greiffenhorst

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Rose Rasink, eine Künstlerin mit der Liebe fuer die asiatische Kultur, wurde geboren im kleinen Inselstadtstaat Singapur und lebt in Korschenbroich. Als Künstlerin ist Rose Rasink, Jahrgang 1965, Autodidaktin.
“Ich bin ein genauer Beobachter der Natur und der Menschen. Meine Arbeiten sind
ein ehrliches Angebot an den Betrachter und ein Fenster zu den verschiedenen
Wurzeln meiner Sued-ostasiatischen Herkunft. Das
Zentrum meiner kuenstlerischen
Arbeit in Acryl- und Mischtechnik auf Leinwand ist das Einfangen der Seele des
Objekts, wie z.B. Glück, Selbstvertrauen und Mut.“
Rose‘s Gemälde sind eine Kombination von Eleganz, Schoenheit, dynamischer Energie, voller Farben und Design. Ihre Kunst soll Menschen mit einem offenen Wesen erreichen.Die Kuenstlerin reist viel, um ihre Erfahrungen mit fernen Laendern und Kulturen zu erweitern.

Rose Rasink is an 'Autodidaktin' artist was born and grew up in Singapore. Rose now lives in Germany.
"In the process of creating, while the original theme usually remains, many aspects change and the painting emerges of its own accord. The experience feels like the art is painting itself."
Rose's paintings are a combination of many variants, elegance, beauty, dynamic energy, full of vibrant colors and design. Her art should reach people with an open mind.

The artist travels frequently in order to widen her experience in distant countries and its cultures.

*The World is My Classroom*

"The purpose of my travels is to nurture cultural and artistic awareness in my soul. My art is about self expression, re-recreation, balance and harmony. I have absorbed a wide range of visual stimulus impression from journeys to Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Israel, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, UK, USA and Europe.

Travel has been a great source of inspiration and has left an expression on my art work. The tangible, physical elements of a journey may not appear in design, but subconsciously, forms and influences transpire."

Rose Rasink
E-mail :
Website :

Rosenah Rasink Gallery

Budak Laut 70cm x 100cm

Hijau Emas 70cm x90cm

Mandi Di Sungai (Sold!)

Golden Lotus (SOLD!)

©by roserasink 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. All Rights Reserved.


Khairi has always been fascinated in building things. Most of his artworks to date are centred around sculptural forms which often involves traditional history and philosophy.

In this presentation, Khairi is interested in aligning the antique forms of his rich heritage with a modern aesthetic.

The current works study and observe the running motifs of 19th century Malay and European decorative artefacts, which display surprising similarities for two such diverse traditions. Khairi has developed different forms, both aesthetic and functional, creating a visual tapestry of several pairs of worlds – Asia and Europe, old and new, techniques, processes, practices and philosophy that come together in artworks that combine ceramics, textile and metal.

Old Tradition, Present Idea
Yesterday’s Arifact, Today’s Art

Khairi was born in Singapore of a Malaysian and Indonesian heritage. In a family that always had to make ends meet, his art started as a child, building home-made toys and doodling to amuse himself.

Continuing this fascination at school, Khairi became involved not only in his visual art, but also in school and public theatre performance. In later years, torn between the visual and the performing arts, Khairi took up the latter as his pathway when La Salle College of the Arts introduced a Drama course, the first of its kind in Singapore.

Khairi performed, directed and work backstage from amateur to professional theatre and was sent to London on a student enhancement program working in Cameron MacKintosh’s productions of Cats and Miss Saigon.

Shortly before completing his Diploma in Drama course at La Salle, Khairi secured a place at the Queensland University of Technology in the Bachelor of Arts in Drama. Majoring in Educational Drama and Directing, Khairi performed, directed and designed for theatre productions both in Brisbane and Singapore until he was offered and gained his second degree, Master of Fine Arts, specialising in Theatre for Young People and Intercultural Arts.

Upon completing his MFA, Khairi moved to Melbourne to continue his long time interests. This led him back to the visual arts, seeking to integrate the two passions. At the Victorian College of the Arts/ University of Melbourne in the School of Studies in Creative Arts, Khairi realised that he did not have to leave his love of performing arts solely to visual arts but found a way of attaining his degree in Bachelor of Visual and Performing Arts, allowing the two areas to compliment one another.

Khairi managed, presented and performed in two group art exhibitions – Photography and Three Dimensional Art – with special focus on mixed media sculptural forms, including metal, ceramics and textiles. In the same period, Khairi won the Cultural Diversity Award from the University of Melbourne and was appointed as a Multicultural Arts Marketing Ambassador (MAMAS) at the Playbox Theatre Company funded by VicArts and jointly organized by Multicultural Arts Victoria and the VCA. Khairi has also appeared in feature films and various local television dramas.

From his educational base, Khairi went out to teach Indonesian Arts and Culture at the Centre of Environmental Research and Education Strategy and to tour with Sarjana Bumi Arts in Victoria and New South Wales, running similar workshops in schools as part of the Indonesian Program. A formal education degree at the University of Melbourne followed, then an appointment as Visual Arts teacher at Mount Scopus Memorial College.

All things in life come to a complete circle of alignment, and now Khairi is taking his equal passion for the visual and the performing arts into a single focus for this exhibition in Dusseldorf, Germany, his first debut onto an international arts platform.

In Deutsch:

„ Ich war immer schon fasziniert von Skulpturen deren Formen traditionelle Geschichte und Philosophie zum Ausdruck bringen. In dieser Ausstellung möchte ich alte Formen in moderner Ästhetik zeigen.

Ausgehend vom Studium der gängigen Motive des 19. Jh. malayischer und europäischer Dekorationselemente, entwickle ich ein eigenes Bild der zwei Welten - Ost und West, einiges ist dekorativ, anderes funktional.Letztendlich nutze ich die alten und neuen Ideen, Techniken und Prozesse bei der Umsetzung in Keramik, Textilkunst und Metallarbeiten.“

Alte Traditionen, gegenwärtige IdeenBruchstücke von gestern, Kunst von heute .
Khairi Razaai Gallery




Ceramic I

Ceramic II


Khairi Razaai
Telefon : (+61) 412 147278
E-mail :

©by roserasink 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. All Rights Reserved.


Als Reisende in einer Welt voller Wunder nehme ich Menschen und Dinge in ihrer Umgebung mit allen Sinnen wahr.
Die Emotion des Augenblicks trifft mich und veranlaßt mich zur malerischen Auseinandersetzung.

Die größte Herausforderung ist es, vom spontanen Eindruck zum eigenen Ausdruck zu gelangen und dabei die unspektakuläre Realität einzufangen.
geb.1957 in Meschede/Hochsauerlandkreis
1977-1981 Studium der Theologie und Textilgestaltung an derWestfälischen Wilhelms-Universität, Münster1983 Zweites Staatsexamen für das Lehramt
1985 Selbststudium der Malerei, Acryl, Öl, Pastell
1991 Mitglied der Künstlervereinigung Spektrum 76 e.V., Düsseldorf
1994 Europäische Akademie für Bildende Kunst Trier, Freie Malerei
1995 Kulturforum Alte Post Neuss, Freie Malerei und Aktzeichnen
1998 School of Painting St. Ives, England, Malerei und Aktzeichnen- Studienaufenthalte in England, Frankreich, Polen
1999 Gründungsmitglied der Gruppe "Analogon„
1998 eigene Malkursangebote für Schüler im AWO-Gruppenraum im Bahnhof Kleinenbroich

Tel: 02161/673958
HP: (+49) 0178 1491 510

Atelier 24, Atelierhaus Hansastr. 9, Neuss

Angela Harmeier Gallery


©by roserasink 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. All Rights Reserved.